
タンゴダンス世界選手権 BA2021に参加しよう! 〜¡Participá del Mundial de Tango BA 2021!
















Tango de Pista:

Qualifying Rounds: On September 10th the couples will receive the selected songs to be danced. They must send their video respecting the guidelines set forth in the official Rules before September 12th at midnight (Argentine time). The videos will be evaluated by 10 jurors on September 18th and 19th at the Usina del Arte.
We clarify that the videos are requested in advance to ensure technical quality and to be able to compile them in rounds of four split-screen videos.

Semifinal: On September 19th, after the presential qualifying rounds, it will be defined which couples go to the semifinal. The songs they will have to dance will be sent to those couples that same night. They must send their video respecting the guidelines set forth in the official Rules before September 20 at midnight (Argentine time). The videos will be evaluated by the same 6 jurors that will evaluate the presential competitors on September 22nd at the Usina del Arte.

Final: On September 22, after the presential semifinals, it will be defined which couples go to the final. The songs they will have to dance will be sent to those couples that same night. They must send their video respecting the guidelines set forth in the official Rules before September 23th at midnight (Argentine time). The videos will be evaluated by the same 7 juries that will evaluate the presential competitors, watching them together with the public on a giant screen during the presential final on September 25th.

Stage Tango:

Qualifying Rounds: The couples must say a specific phrase before the start of each video. The phrase will be sent by email on September 14th and the videos must be delivered no later than September 16th at midnight (Argentine time). The videos will be evaluated by 10 jurors on September 20th and 21st at the Usina del Arte.

Semifinal: Although the choreography may be the same in the different stages, couples are asked to submit new videos at each stage. On September 21st, after the presential qualifying rounds, it will be defined which couples go to the semifinal. That same night, the couples will receive by email the phrase to be said when recording and sending their videos. They must send their video respecting the guidelines set forth in the official Rules before September 22nd at midnight (Argentine time). The videos will be evaluated by the same 6 jurors that will evaluate the presential competitors on September 22nd at the Usina del Arte.

Final: On September 23th, after the presential semifinals, it will be defined which couples go to the final. The songs they will have to dance will be sent to those couples that same night. They must send their video respecting the guidelines set forth in the regulations before September 24 at midnight (Argentine time). The videos will be evaluated by the same 7 jurors that will evaluate the presential competition, watching them together with the public on a giant screen during the presential final on September 25th.



カップルの全身を撮影し、足がはっきりと映るようにすること。ビデオの画質は720 x 480 px以上で、明るい場所で撮影してください。カメラを固定して、横長の画角で連続して撮影されたもので、カットや編集のないものに限ります(縦に撮った映像は受け付けられません)。カップルが常にフレームに収まっていること。また、音声はクリアでなければならず、音楽はダンサーが踊るときに聞いている音を尊重しなければならず、音声や映像はいかなる状況でも編集、カットをしていないものとします。映像の発表は、当団体が定めた期間内に行われるものとし、世界選手権やTANGO BA予選での発表、フェスティバルやミロンガでの展示など、過去のパフォーマンスの映像は認められません。ステージ部門のダンサーは、この時間帯にビデオを作成したことを確認するために、ダンスの開始時または終了時に、正式に送られる特定のフレーズが書かれた紙を発言または提示しなければなりません。ピスタ部門については、組織から送られてきた特別な音楽で踊らなければなりません。カップルは、主催者が定めた期限内に映像を送付する責任があります。締切日を過ぎてから送られてきたものや、上記の条件を満たしていないものは受理されません。


All registrants who participate in the virtual modality, both in Tango de Pista and Stage Tango, must respect the following guidelines for sending the videos:

The couple should be filmed full body making sure that the feet can be seen clearly in the video. The video recording quality must be optimal, with a minimum resolution of 720 x 480 px and in a well-lit space. The video must be recorded with a fixed camera and in a single sequence shot, horizontally (videos recorded in vertical format will not be accepted) without cuts or edits. The couple must be in frame at all times. The sound must also be clear, the sound track must respect what the dancers are listening to when they dance and the audio or image cannot be edited, cut or stepped on under any circumstances. The presentation of the video must be made in the range of dates stipulated by the Organization, so videos of previous performances such as presentations in the Dance World Cup, TANGO BA Preliminaries, exhibitions at festivals, milongas etc. will not be accepted. To confirm that the dancers make the video in this time range, the Stage Tango dancers must say or show a written paper with a specific phrase that will be duly sent to them at the beginning or end of the dance. Regarding Tango de Pista, they must dance on the track specifically sent by the Organization. It is the sole responsibility of the couple to send the videos in the time stipulated by the Organization. Videos received after the deadline or that do not meet the conditions described above will not be accepted.












The couples that participate in person will compete on equal terms with the couples that participate virtually, both being scored by the same jurors and generating a single ranking.

Of the presential Contest

The Tango de Pista couples that participate in person will compete in group presentations and will dance three songs, recorded, chosen by the Organization.

In the Stage Tango category, each presential couple will compete individually, dancing a theme that they have chosen that must not exceed four (4) minutes in duration. Couples must send the dance theme by email at the accreditation instance. Couples will be able to present different choreographies in the different instances of the contest.

All competitors who appear in person must wear a mask at all times. If the protocol allows it at the time of the competition, an exception may be considered for Stage Tango dancers when they go on stage.

Of the Virtual Contest

The Tango de Pista couples that participate in virtual mode will receive two songs in mp3 format, chosen by the Organization. From the reception of the themes, the couples will have a limited time range to produce and submit their videos. Videos in which couples dance to other versions of the songs sent will not be accepted. The videos received will be compiled so that several synchro couples dancing at the same time are projected on a split screen.

Stage Tango couples participating in virtual mode must record their dancing to the theme chosen by them, which shall not exceed (4) minutes. The video must be made in a limited time range stipulated by the production. To this end, the couples will be given a phrase that they must mention at the beginning or end of the video to corroborate that it was produced in that time frame. No videos recorded before this time will be received. Couples will be able to present different choreographies in the different instances of the contest. Each video will be presented individually to the jury.

The Dance World Cup 2021, in both categories, will take place in three stages:

a) Classification,
b) Semifinal and
c) Final.

